Friday, August 31, 2007


Finally, step-by-step methods that the super affiliates use in 2007 - I literally had to travel the world to see some of the affiliates I encountered; the truth is that these guys do things different to 99% of the rest. Learn exactly what they do - with copy-and-paste examples that generate job-killing income for many of your competitors...
Take from the gurus and borrow from the super affiliates Our goal is to find campaigns that are currently generating hundreds per day, affiliates making tens of thousands... clone them and siphon off a chunk of their earnings. I owe this one to a friend of mine who I encountered in California (clue: he earns $140,000 per month, and he is largely responsible for the first of the DJK techniques)...
The secrets they don't teach anywhere else Let me expose a live job-killing Adwords campaign. Let me explain how a New-Yorker is cleaning up with a series of cut-throat Adwords techniques that allow him to average 20-30% CTR on some keywords. Learn why you will want to avoid the Google Editors like the plague when you use some of my "back-door" techniques. You won't learn this anywhere else because no-one is teaching it: it's all been taken from the guys doing it in the field, the ones making thousands in the shadows...
Little need for capital While other guides tell you to start with hundreds, you can get started with DJK for practically nothing. The funny thing is the guys making the most tend to invest a little to make a lot. Find out why and ride their wave all the way to the bank...
Advanced Adwords techniques the ones they would probably try to ban if they could: find out how a "renegade" Brit has built an 80,000 strong keyword list, and the clincher? He is profitable on every single keyword. Learn how to compete with other affiliates and crush them totally every time...
The only affiliate manual that lets you compete with the gurus Not only will I show you the techniques that the super affiliates use, and not only will we tear other affiliates apart, but now, for the first time EVER.. you can compete with the gurus themselves, literally sucking them dry and building a monstrously profitable list at the same time. Revenge is sweet and it's time for the affiliates to profit like product vendors. I am serious here...
The biggest revelation to hit affiliate marketing in three years - the first method inside DJK is quite probably worth a thousand times the cost of the guide alone. Why? We are about to show 100,000 failing affiliates where the bulk of the $8,000,000 industry lies. Clue: you aren't even competing in the game...
Learn from the six figure guys that rarely surface . For a limited time, you have the opportunity to glimpse behind the curtain and see how reclusive six figure consolidators live... to see how they steal buyers from the gurus, instantly work out whether an Adwords niche is profitable (before they run an ad), and how they consistently choose the hottest products on ClickBank (because the truth is, you only need one $100 a day campaign to kill your job, and finally live the way you want)...